Latest News from YSU Arts
Check out what's going on in the Department of Art @ YSUProfessor Claudia Berlinski Wins in Fine Art Category
Claudia Berlinski's collage titled Portal was selected as a winner in the fine art category from the journal Creative Quarterly. Berlinski also recently had work included in the exhibition The Art of Being at Akron Soul Train Gallery and in Passage – Women’s Caucus...
Printmaking Alumni Francesca Baldarelli Begins Teaching at YSU
After receiving her MFA from the University of Alabama and teaching part-time at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, Francesca “Checa” Baldarelli started a full-time position as Printmaking Teaching Artist at the Hope Center for Art and Technology in Sharon,...
Printmaking Alumni Amanda Durig receives MFA
Amanda Durig (a.k.a. Powergrip) who receive her BFA in 2015 recently completed her MFA thesis defense within the Graduate Printmaking Program at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Congrats Powergrip!
Printmaking Alumni Amanda Spinosa Selected as Artist in Residence for the Hope Center
This year Amanda Spinosa was selected as the first Printmaking Artist-in-Residence at the Hope Center for Art and Technology in Sharon, PA. She will transition from this residency to pursuing her graduate degree in Printmaking and Ceramics this fall at...
Spring 2020 BFA Graduating Exhbition to Be Held Virtually
The graduating BFA exhibit will be displayed virtually on the McDonough Museum of Art's website. The exhibition will kick off with a virtual exhibition preview taking place on Friday April 24th at 5pm on the McDonough's Facebook Page. This is exhibit will celebrate...
McDonough Museum of Art Virtual Gallery Talk Series: Lauren Baker
Enjoy a virtual gallery talk with Adjunct Professor in Sculpture, Lauren Baker