Claudia Berlinski

Assistant Professor, Drawing & 2D Foundations

About Claudia

Assistant Professor, McDonough Museum Coordinator

MFA, The Ohio State University
BFA, Buffalo State College

Claudia has exhibited internationally, nationally and regionally in locations such as Mexico, Spain, Missouri, Chicago and Cleveland. She has made contributions to print portfolios with Mid-America Print Council and Ochosi Editions, and has curated group exhibitions, most recently at The College at Brockport. Her work is included in several private and public collections nationwide, and was recently hosted by The Butler Institute of Art for a solo exhibition.

Berlinski’s work explores the fugitive nature of personal history and memory. Her photos reveal found, and sometimes constructed, arrangements of places and things that are familiar.  They emphasize the importance of the mundane in life, and the imagery becomes metaphor for such intimacies.


Courses offered:

Fundamentals of Two-Dimensional Design – Art 1501
Foundation Drawing – Art 1521
Intermediate Drawing – Art 1522
Studio Problems Interdisciplinary – Art 4800J
Junior Portfolio Review – Art 3703J
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Visual Arts – Art 4801J
Senior Seminar – Art 4803


Contact Information

Office: Bliss 4083 / McDonough Museum 3006

phone: 330.941.3626

